Foreverinmotion - Talu

Little Talula of mine
Oh how we age in time.
I love you so old girl.
Youre a shining ray of hope for me in this world.
Now Im staring down the white around your eyes
And youre looking back at me through mine.
It just isnt fair. No, its a crying shame
How time refuses to treat us the same.
I love you so, just so you know.
I wouldnt be the man I am without you.
My old talula girl.
Its gonna kill me when you leave this world.

Little city of mine
So lovely, so charming, so blind.
Retreating to the distance as I fly away.
Erasing the ellipses I left on the last page
To the new chapter Im about to write:
Tentatively titled the rest of my life.
Im not that scared. I honestly cant wait.
I promise Ill come home again some day.

Tiny planet of ours
Every day somebody new is born
And someone else dissolves back into the stars.
As you go on floating in outer space.
Slow dancing with the moon like a timeless promenade.
Though some forget and some refuse to believe
In the fire weve created melting ice into the sea.
Well I think its a poor idea to risk our lives and the dance,
But I guess the ones in charge are willing to take that chance.

Illusive creator of all things
Are you really truly out there?
Can you hear me when I sing?
Because Id like a word with you, when you please
About this gorgeous messed-up world
And all of its humbling mystery.
What are your intentions, if any?
We all could benefit to know.
Is the puppet master veiled just behind the clouded curtains?

Or are we all alone?
Id like some answers so if you can,
Spell it in the stars. Ill do my best to understand.
Some answers then, if you please, tell me why
You're so quick to take my Talu from me.